Neighborhood Association

Architectural Guidelines

These guidelines were developed by a TCNA committee and approved by the TCNA Board in 2000. There are no covenants in Tuscany Canterbury so these guidelines are not enforceable; they are advisory.

Tuscany-Canterbury is a National Historic District but no approvals are needed based on this designation other than regular City work permits if they are required for the project.


Tuscany Canterbury is an architecturally rich and diverse Baltimore community: Therefore, it is suggested that the community endeavor to institute a set of guidelines to preserve its architectural heritage and its property values. Guidelines serve two purposes: to educate the residents about alterations which will enhance property values, or alliteratively detract from property values and to establish a consistent level of expectations as a basis for enforcement of standards.


With the variety of home styles, of property locations relative to surrounding property and the visibility of exterior alterations or changes, it is essential that each proposed change be reviewed by a Standing Committee, appointed by the Board of the Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association, comprised of community residents, including one architect, or an outside consulting architect. This Committee is to be considered as an advisory body except for issues of zoning.


Consistency within Groupings of Homes

Most of the town house groupings were designed as a unit. Continuity of architectural features, roofing materials, and paint colors should reflect this unity.

Additions and Alterations

Proposed additions can, by their very nature, affect the unity of a group. The visibility and context of proposed alterations or additions are factors to be considered. It is recommended that any changes visible from the street should be consistent with the existing structure, and the specific surroundings. Issues of individuality creativity and affordability should also be considered. Greater latitude can be permitted to changes at the rear of buildings. A ramp for a handicapped resident is acceptable.


Slate or slate substitute, such as Supra Slate or Supradur, is required. Consistency within units of homes must be maintained. If the cost of reconstruction with slate is prohibitive, consensus of the residents within the grouping, must be obtained. Television antennae should be removed when cable is connected.


Shutters should be compatible in style and color with others in the grouping of houses and in the neighborhood.


Paint color should be consistent within the grouping. The Committee should be consulted about variations.

Gutters and Downspouts

Consistency within the grouping is strongly recommended.

Garage Doors and Parking

Sliding or overhead garage doors with a traditional appearance are acceptable. Parking areas must be paved with concrete, brick, or flagstone. Carports are not permitted. Appropriate landscaping is recommended.

Outside Lighting

The lighting should be for pathways or for the building. Lighting should not shine on the neighboring property or on public areas.

Heating and Cooling Equipment

Units for air conditioning and heat pumps should send the noise skyward, not at adjoining homes. Placement should not be near a neighbor’s residence.

Alarm Systems

Any unobtrusive system is acceptable. The alarm should sound inside the house; outside sound boxes are not permitted unless several adjacent residents have access to turn off the alarm. Placing the advertising sign of the alarm system in front of the house is discouraged.

Yard Enclosures and Furnishings

Front fences are not permitted; hedges should be limited to four feet in height. Rear fences or hedges should also be limited to four feet in height. Landscaping with natural materials, mailboxes, and house number Signs, are the only acceptable front yard furnishings. Holiday decorations are permissible.

Additions, Decks, and Patios

Detailed drawings indicating dimensions, materials, colors and site plan must accompany applications to the Committee for consideration. The scale and style of the change or alteration must harmonize with the existing structure, the adjacent structures, and be in keeping with the ambiance of the neighborhood.


Sidewalk replacement should conform to existing sidewalks. The pebble style is the neighborhood standards.


Materials, colors and designs should conform with, or be compatible with the original architecture and construction of the building to be restored. Sources of compatible material can be obtained from the Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association.